Travel Essential

Smart Traveling Tips for First Time Travelers

1. Prioritize Your Safety with International Travel Insurance

International travel insurance is the most essential and smart thing you ought to opt for before setting your foot on a foreign land. Uncertainty is prevalent everywhere. Thus, it only makes sense to be prepared. It does not matter whether how long will you be gone for, but purchasing an international travel insurance plan is a must. It acts a protective shield and emergency care solution when things go haywire while you are abroad. It covers health insurance, accidental injuries, unplanned cancellations, loss or theft of personal belongings, and even emergency transportation!

2. Opt for a plan that provides

✏️ Clear reimbursement terms:   

An efficient plan always has clear terminology presented to the customer. It is essential that the insurance holder is aware of all the conditions of the policy terms. It also has information regarding the claim settlement percentage which gives you an edge while deciding a plan.

💉 Medical expenses:  

In case you face a situation where there is an unavoidable medical emergency which might require hospitalization, the insurance provided is liable to pay for all the expense you would have to bear. Just ensure to keep all documents and receipts safe.

🧳 Lost Baggage or passport:   

Quick Assistance in terms of lost belongings such as your luggage or passport can prove really helpful when you are stranded helplessly in a foreign land.

🆘 Other emergency situations:    

In case where you might have a canceled flight, or a hijack scenario, natural disaster or otherwise, a simple and economic international travel insurance can go a long way in keeping you safe.

📃 Policy premium:   

A higher amount of policy coverage only adds to the cost of premiums paid. Take an intelligent pick by comparing the premium amount on offer by various international travel insurance providers.

🌎 Country Coverage:   

You do not want to be stuck with a reason for no international travel insurance because your insurance provider does not cover a particular country. Thus, it is recommended that you check the list of countries covered under the chosen insurance plan.

3. Pack Light

Nobody is fond of the hassles of dragging that heavy trolley around. Therefore, pack light if you are going away for a shorter duration. Carry minimum or lightweight electronic products with you. Piling up heavy electronic goods such as 📸DSLRs or 💻laptops slow you down. Nonetheless, it makes you an attractive target for thieves. Even if the situation demands that you carry all of them, ensure that they are safely locked away saving you all the struggle and additional baggage costs.

A smaller bag with all your essentials can ensure that you stay organized throughout the trip. Roll up the 👚 clothes, use shoes to stuff the smaller clothing items, lighter fabric can be a blessing in disguise, dual-purpose outfits, smaller containers of personal items such as shampoos and conditioners and make-up. Medicines and prescription drugs are also recommended.

4. Take Care of Communication

Staying connected with your loved ones is essential no matter wherever you travel. But because of obvious reasons, your regular network doesn’t support when you are travelling abroad. So what do you do? Opt for international 📲 calling cards! A prepaid card, free Wi-Fi, instant messaging platforms can go a long way in helping you keeps your family and friends informed.

Save on the roaming costs and that huge bill of data usage by choosing economic plans that are usually available at the airport. Few destinations give an option of renting an international number. A proper travel adapter can maintain the voltage fluctuations when you are trying to charge your phone. A few little tricks here and there can help you cut down costs of your travel.

5. Learn About the Destination

Prior information about the destination can help you while you are abroad. It is recommended that first-time travelers learn a couple of things about the place they are headed out to. Not only does it help you out in keeping a 📝 list of places you intend to explore, but also gives you a general overview of how the place is like. Studying before-hand about the cultural preferences of the country prepares you for any situation.

Find out what the season is likely to be on your arrival. Dress appropriately as the locals do. Blending into the crowd safeguards you from being an easy target for sellers trying to rip you off or thieves who might be vying for a potential target in that tourist. In spite of safety advertisements, crimes do occur at the most popular destinations. Keep your belongings and cash as safe as possible.

6. Finding the Right Accommodation

Depending on your travel preference, solo or in a group, plan for your accommodation in advance. Be it a luxurious 🏨 hotel or a modest hostel; it is mandatory that you have a place to crash as soon as you land in that foreign country. Look for deals and discounts that can cut corners for you. In case you are travelling in a group, look for 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  group discounts and 🔖offers online  🖱️

7. Find Your Embassy

An embassy in a foreign country is your only hope in case of crisis, big or small. Make a note of the embassy address, phone number, email addresses and find that location when you encounter a situation. The embassy at a foreign location has diplomats and consultants from your country who work round the clock to provide you with assistance. In case you lose your passport or get arrested, count on the embassy to pull you out of such sticky situations.

👌Stay Safe and Vaccinated  

Vaccination regulations differ according to the countries. Coming down with a disease is the last thing you want when you intend to enjoy that international trip. Never neglect minor wounds or insect bites for you never know what pathogens they might be carrying. A international travel insurance plan can help cover the expenses in case of emergencies. Get vaccination that is recommended by the tourism department of the country. Keep antibiotics and other prescriptions handy for unpleasant situations. Imagine you do not know the native language of the country you are travelling to, let alone translating your illness to the pharmacist there! Better be safe than sorry.

🏧 Banking Details  

Before going abroad, notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel, and check exchange rates. For information about using cash, debit/credit cards, and ATMs overseas.

📥 Download Apps  

So what if you do not know the local language? Google translate has got it sorted for you! Purchase a translation book if need be. Learn the basic words such as “please”, “sorry”, “thank you” etc. Not only does it make you come across as courteous but also adds to your language prowess. Local maps can guide you. Find excellent navigation with Google Maps. Load and save the destinations as per your will and enable map usage with offline feature. Find local apps that help you shortlist the food joints, locations, shops and areas that are on your bucket list.

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